Multiverse NFT

In the multiverse with all metaverses, we define the multiverse NFT as the fundamental element, a limited original resource. A multiverse coin provides the utility to store and exchange value. Together, the coin and NFT, just like Yin and Yang serve the decentralized currency in the multiverse.

By staking multiverse NFTs, users can mine multiverse coins.

  1. Each multiverse NFT has a computation power of 1.

  2. Mining rewards are distributed to staked NFTs.

  3. Multiverse NFT is free to be traded and exchanged on the market.

Compared with bitcoin proof of work mining, multiverse coin mining does not compete in hash rate or cost electricity. This proof of NFT stake mining has several advantages,

  • Zero Energy Consumption. Much of the impetus for multiverse coin mining is avoiding the tremendous amount of energy proof of work demands while preserving the same profit level.

  • Flexible Design. Unlike bitcoin mining, which often requires enormous effort to set up mining machines and infrastructures, multiverse coin mining can be highly flexible. Miners choose to stake or unstake; trade in or out, instantly.

  • Strong Incentives. Due to the hash rate competition and bitcoin reward reduction, the infrastructure demand is way higher than before but with less profit. The economic interest makes multiverse coin mining much more attractive.

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